Blog: Human Protection (6) - Hit for a home run

It’s game night, you can feel the anticipation and excitement in the air. You walk out to the base plate, bat in hand, eying down the pitcher ahead of you ready to unleash a rocket...a bead of sweat drips from your forehead…


You thump the ball as hard as you can, watching it soar, before turning and sprinting as hard as you can round the circle. That ball isn’t coming back and you hope it never does.

This is your hard earned money you’ve tightly rolled up in ball and whacked towards the big old life insurance company, month after month, year after year. They keep pitching and you keep knocking that ball out of the park, never to return.

You hope it never does return.

One night, as you steady yourself, deep slow breaths, something feels a bit different, but you can’t quite place it…

…On thunders the ball as you swing forward and THUMP off it sails into the night. You turn and burst onwards like always, rounding 1st base, 2nd base, on you go, the crowd enthusiastically cheering you on then suddenly CRACK!

Down you fall, as you feel the pain from your cracked knee shoot up and jolt your heart into a fast concerned beat. You try to stand, but tumble back down to the dirt, unable to hold yourself. You can feel the painful silence engulf you until suddenly you feel a hand, then another, and another. You feel yourself being lifted, opening you eyes to see a clutch of people holding you steady and taking you forward towards third base, the cheer of the crowd ringing in your ears.

You see when we fall, an income protection policy can be there to carry you onwards and replace your lost earnings when you need it most, typically 50-70% of current earnings. It can start instantly, or perhaps after a few months. Regardless, you’ll be carried onward, round 3rd base (until you return to work), or off towards the home plate if you really need it (retirement). You might need those hands of support for a few months, or perhaps years – it’s hard to tell, but you’ll know you have them when you need them the most. The monthly benefit can even rise as the general cost of living rises each year. It’s a cost effective, peace of mind solution that can keep you moving and keep you and your family safe and secure when you need it most.

We hope that monthly investment in you never does return – it’ll mean you’ve lived a happy and healthy life, but if it does, you’ll know it’ll provide you with all the hands you need.

Get in touch at and let’s get you on the path to financial security.

Keith Boyes

Managing Director

Chartered Financial Planner


Guidance only. Investing in the stock market does carry a degree of risk and returns are not guaranteed. Be aware and understand the risks involved before participating. If in doubt, please seek professional advice.