Stop kicking the can
You line up on the track, your knees bend down, eyes focused on the straight ahead. A bead of sweat drips down your forehead. The stadium lights glare down with the humid air hanging around you. You can’t hear a whisper; the gun is about to go off…. that’s when you realise – you haven’t trained for this race; you’ll be lucky if you get 10 yards without gasping for breath. Oh gosh, you’re wearing slippers and your dressing gown – this isn’t racing attire. You didn’t eat your pre-race meal and that tongue sticking to the top of your mouth can’t be normal.
Take that analogy and place it firmly into your financial situation. Now why would anyone want to start the race of their life and not be prepared. Okay, let’s be clear here, it’s less of a sprint and more of a marathon for sure. That’s why, a poor start does not have to lead to a penniless ending.
So, where does it start? It starts with you, taking ownership of your financial journey. You see you don’t need a Harvard MBA, to do the sensible things with your money. You just need to know the basics to give you a decent crack at all this money malarkey.
So, stop kicking that can. Be honest with where you are on your financial journey and take ownership of the situation. It’s your life after all. Penniless month by month stressful experiences, or a comfortable existence, one that plans for enjoying now, with an eye on making the best future possible for you and your family. I know which one I’d choose.
Sure, you’ll tell me you don’t have enough to save each month. You’ll wait until you’re earning just a little bit more. “Keith, how can I possibly afford to put aside 10% of my income each month!” Okay, I get it, we’re not all child free like me (though that’ll no doubt change soon!). Start small and build it up, how does 1% of your monthly income sound? Saved automatically into a separate saving pot. I’ll bet you’ll soon realise it hasn’t affected your current lifestyle, and that might just creep up to 2%, 3%, and so on it goes. Before you know it, you’ll be at that 3 months’ worth of expenses sweet spot and pushing onwards to greater financial control.
Let’s be honest, creating positive money habits just don’t happen overnight. They do take time, patience and discipline. It’s a bit like that marathon analogy – you don’t just go out and run 26.2 miles, you start out running maybe 1 mile and build from there, inheriting this new self-discipline and behaviour geared towards your ultimate destination.
It’s saving for what’s most important to you – peace of mind planning and doing the right things with your money for that future house purchase, financial security, knowing you can retire on your terms, or whatever other goals you have.
Enjoying today, whilst planning for tomorrow. Now that’s a financial journey I can get on board with.
Is it time to get your financial journey on track? Get in touch at to work towards your financial happiness.