Blog: Human Protection (8) - Sign off in style

How will you sign off the story of your life? Will you leave it organised and planned, giving your loved ones your worldly possessions and financial comfort in your stead; or will you leave a mess, with your family stuck in court and waiting months, perhaps years to access whatever you’ve left behind, costing endless amounts in legal fees.

You have a choice. You can close your eyes and leave chaos in your wake, or you can choose to sign off in style, noting down in advance who will care for your children, and what will happen to your possessions, your house, investments, pension (You can also add a separate note via your pension provider) and so on in your stead. Perhaps you’ll even leave a touching note for your family. This can all be done using what’s called a Will, essentially a note of your wishes, which can be set up and recorded with a solicitor. This Will then sit on record until your time comes to ensure your estate is distributed in line with your wishes.

So rather than lengthy court proceedings, at a time of high emotional stress for your loved ones, your legacy can pass simply across to those you care about most in the manner you wish. it’ll also ensure your children have the support they need from those you trust most with the right guardianship in place where appropriate.

If you die without a will, here’s how your estate is eventually distributed in Scotland after potentially months/years (one example we can across took 2 years!) of legal proceedings to release an estate (click image for England, Wales and Northern Ireland graphics).

Note: This is according to Scottish rules. The hyperlinked image routes you to rules of intestacy for England, Wales and Northern Island. Please seek legal advice where required.

Organised and planned, or messy and stressful – what will your legacy be? Choose to sign off in style.

Get in touch at for our list of trusted solicitors who can support you best.

PS Here is a fantastic and comprehensive guide from Royal London on how to die well taking you through everything from what to prepare in advance of death, planning a funeral, saying goodbye and dealing with grief. Check it out here

 Keith Boyes

Managing Director

Chartered Financial Planner


Guidance only. If in doubt, please seek professional advice. Wills are drafted by a qualified legal professional. Graphics published by Royal London.